Department of Gardening

Word Of the Head Department of Gardening

The establishment of the Libyan University in 1954 AD, at a time when Libya was suffering from poverty and scarcity of resources, is considered one of the most important steps taken by the Libyan state at that time, by putting the Libyan people in the first steps of learning about the establishment of the university. The College of Agriculture was established in 1966/1967, as it included three departments, including the Plant Production Department, which includes several divisions, including the Horticulture Division. As a result of the development of science and the urgent need to establish specialized departments, the divisions that belong to this department were changed to specialized departments, including the Horticulture Department, in 1977/1978 AD. The department teaches several sciences, including fruit science, vegetable science, ornamental plant science, medicinal and aromatic plants, garden design and landscaping, post-storage physiology, and horticultural crop breeding, in addition to other auxiliary sciences. Starting from the year 1967 AD The College Council began to send many teaching assistants in the department to study abroad to obtain a doctorate degree to fill the shortage of national faculty members in the department. Thank God, the department is currently managed by national faculty members, who number 20 faculty members (7 retired). As a result of the development in agricultural sciences, many agricultural sciences that serve the student and keep pace with this development have been developed and added, such as tissue culture and biotechnology. One of the important developments that took place in the department is the initiation of a postgraduate program to obtain a master's degree. This program began in the year 1978 AD and it was able to contribute to the provision of graduates specialized in various disciplines and who contributed with others to the advancement of the agricultural sector, and some of them completed their studies.Abroad and organize for the faculty members of the department. The development in sciences in general, especially agricultural sciences, as well as the spread of the concept of specialization in sciences, which occurred in the last century, obligated the department council to interact with it in a positive way, which imposed on the department the development of a new academic system, which is the people’s system, which is based on giving more specialized information in disciplines The various departments belonging to the Horticulture Department, and therefore three divisions have been created in the department: The Fruit Division, the Vegetable Division, and the Ornamental Plants Division, with a plan to increase these divisions and introduce new divisions such as the Biotechnology Division with its various specializations in the near future, and the new academic system will be implemented soon God willing. The number of graduates of undergraduate students from the department since its establishment until the academic year fall 2015/2016 was 615 students (314 males, 301 females). The number of expatriate graduates reached 58 male and female students. As for postgraduate students, the number of graduates for the same time period was 39 students (30 males, 9 females).


That the question, locally and internationally, in the field of knowledge be a platform for knowledge, a home for experience, and a pioneer in the horticultural field.


The Department of Horticulture prepares a qualified and competent graduate in horticultural sciences, who competes in the labor market, conducts agricultural research, shares knowledge, and provides scientific advice and guidance in the field in order to serve a society that applies the principles of sustainable development.


1- Advancing the educational process in order to achieve outputs that are compatible with the labor market and keeping pace with the development taking place in all the specializations of the department. 2- Encouraging innovation and scientific activity in the fields of horticulture 3- Supporting technical, scientific and specialized cadres in the field. 4- Contribute to solving agricultural problems in the field. 5- Providing consultations, carrying out related research and scientific studies, and evaluating productive projects. 6- Express an opinion on topics related to the horticultural and environmental field in the private and public sectors
Organizational Structure for Department of Gardening

Facts about Department of Gardening

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



