Bachelor in Home Economics

University of Tripoli - Department of Home Economics



The Department of Home Economics was established in 1979 . Home economics is one of the most important sciences that plays an important role in providing information, skills, and experiences that give the individual the ability to adapt and cope with new conditions, and then he can carry out various activities of family and social life with awareness and adequacy

The Department of Home Economics includes  5 divisions: the Division of Food and Nutrition, the Division of Education and Guidance, the Division of Housing and Home Administration, the Division of Textiles and Clothing, the Division of Child and Family Relations. The role required of them in society, guidance, service of the environment, and solving problems facing the individual and society through a set of interrelated and integrated courses.   


  • 1.    Focusing attention on the family, its conditions and needs, and making it the focus of the study
  • 2.    Preparing leaders in the home economy who are equipped with the necessary theoretical, practical and applied information to contribute to playing the role required of them in society.
  • 3.    Contribute to improving the health, social, economic and developmental situation of the family among the strata of society
  • 4.    Dissemination of concepts, information and scientific foundations related to home economics among members of society through various media through guidance, counseling and education.
  • 5.    Training on the use of the scientific method in many life situations, and carrying out studies and research that advance the family in order to reach a life of stability.
  • 6.    Contribute to guiding community members, serving the environment, and solving problems in all different fields related to the home economy




a. Knowledge and understanding


a.1Learn about the concepts, principles and theories of home economics and its various fields and its relationship to other sciences


A.2Summarizes the basic knowledge and information for each field of home economics, the field of food, nutrition, textile, clothing, education, guidance, housing, home management, children and family relations


a.3Familiarize yourself with the various research areas related to home economics


A.4Shows the relationship between psychological and educational sciences and home economics


a.5Explains the foundations, rules, and optimal methods for determining the various problems facing the individual (such as nutritional problems, rationalization of consumption, educational, psychological, health, and social problems, and how to find solutions to these problems

B. Mental skills


B 1Explains the concepts, principles and theories of home economics in its various fields and other related sciences


B.2Links theoretical and practical information and knowledge in the field of food, nutrition, textile, clothing, education, counseling, housing, household management, children and family relations to contribute to community service.


B.3Connects different research areas through skills gained from the study of home economics


B.4Infer the relationship between psychological and educational sciences and home economics


B.5It proposes principles and optimal methods for determining the various problems facing the individual (such as nutritional problems, rationalization of consumption, educational, psychological, health, social, and how to find solutions to these problems

C- Practical & professional skills




C.1Apply the scientific foundations of home economics in various activities of daily life and other related sciences


C.2Employs basic knowledge and information in various fields of home economics, such as manufacturing and preserving food, developing textile and clothing products, developing an educational guideline, housing design, diagnosing and treating family problems.


C.3Apply scientific methods to write research papers and benefit from them in practical fields. In home economics


C.4Uses skills in psychological and educational sciences and how to deal with different segments of society

C.5Develops a scheme for ways to find solutions to the various problems facing the individual (such as nutritional problems, rationalization of consumption, educational problems, psychological and social problems, health problems, family problems, problems in planning and design and how to find solutions and treat them


D. Generic and transferable skills


d.1Participates and is proficient in the skill of working in a team through collaborative work


D.2Sense of responsibility


d.3The computer is used to process data and analyze problems in the fields of home economics


d.4He adds his own vision of professional performance in various fields


d.5Adheres to work and profession ethics


Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences, majoring in Home Economics

Entry Reuirements

For admission to the Bachelor `s degree at the Faculty of Agriculture, the following is required:

1. The academic grade of the student in the previous educational stage of the program must be at least good.

2. The student should undergo an admission test and a personal interview (if the institution deems it).

3. General Scientific Certificate of Secondary Education or Certificate of agricultural high schools and institutes.

4. Fluency in Arabic for non-native speakers.

5. In the case of any change in the admission requirements, the new requirements will apply to new applicants only.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Home Economics prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Home Economics. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 146 units, which include 45 units of general subjects, and 47 major units, 20 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AE1014 04 General +

MA1113 03 General +

PH1123 03 General +

ZO1014 04 General +

CH1014 04 General +

BO1014 04 General +

EL1012 02 General +

AR1012 02 General +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CH1023 03 General CH1014 +

CH1021 01 General +

BO1024 04 General BO1014 +

AR1022 02 General +

MA1123 03 General MA1113 +

EL1022 02 General EL1012 +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
SO2003 Sociology 03 University requirement +

The course deals with the explanation of concepts related to sociology including its objectives - topics and fields - the evolutionary emergence of sociology - social theories - defining the concept of social theory and social phenomena - the concept and definition of social phenomenon - the nature and characteristics of social phenomenon - types and classification of social phenomenon - social structure and organization - the family as a social system - Culture and society - social processes - their nature and characteristics

CH2303 03 General +

SP4093 Psychology 03 University requirement +

- Recognizing the basic concepts of human behavior of all kinds. Gaining information about the principles and laws that govern and explain human behavior. Studying psychological life in its various aspects and the factors affecting it. - Identify the features of the mental health of the individual + Developing the student's positive attitudes towards self and normal behavior

SW1001 01 University requirement +

HE2412 Principles of Home Economics 02 Compulsory +

Introducing the specialty in terms of its concept, objectives, importance, fields, available job opportunities, and studying the historical development and philosophical vision of home economics. In addition to getting acquainted with some terms related to the field of home economics. Learn about the roles assigned to the graduate in the field of home economics. Employing different thinking skills to serve the individual to the family and society

HE2213 Principles of food and Nutrition 03 Compulsory CH1014 +

The most important terms used in the field of food and nutrition and the study of food components are carbohydrates, protein, fat, mineral salts, vitamins, water .absorption, and metabolism. the student also studies an overview of the sources of these elements in different foods and the specification of balanced food and its relationship to health.

ZT2004 04 General MA1123 +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
HE1052 The foundations of design 02 Compulsory +

Identify the various design elements and produce innovative artistic paintings using engineering tools in a scientific and accurate way, and realize the aesthetic values of the composition elements and color gradations Description of the practical part: Training in the use of interior design elements and how to use materials and engineering tools in the form of exercises related to the foundations of design

HE1202 Audio Visual Aids 02 Compulsory +

This course includes introducing the student to the types of means used in the educational process and heir role in human communication, learning units, and the use of computers and presentation programs in presenting scientific material. Laboratory projectsTo design modern teaching aids to achieve educational goals

CH2103 03 General +

HE2113 Textile Chemistry 03 Compulsory CH1014 +

This course aims to introduce the principles of Textile Fibers, and their classification, in each, natural, regenerated and synthetic fibers, it also introduces the most important terms of Textile Science, and the general textile properties. Such as length, elongation and elastic recovery, tensile strength, moisture content and absorbency, then study an example for each type of fibers. Finally, students will study the different types of industrial spinning, and recognize the obtained fibers by each type Laboratory projectsStudent will be asked to submit regular homework about fibre properties, and learn how to open the fibers and threads, then prepare them as slides in the microscope, after that, student will attend practical exam in the end of the semester, the practical exam is about the physical tests to identify of fiber classification

HE2223 Principles of Food Preparation 03 Compulsory HE2213 +

Studying measures, scales, and the scientific bases that are used in preparing food and focusing on the natural and chemical properties of food components and different foods and the effect of using heat and various cooking methods on the properties and components of food.Laboratory projects .Training in the use of measures and balances in the preparation of foods and onducting laboratory experiments to learn about the properties of natural and Chemical components of different foods and the effect of cooking treatments on food properties

AP2204 04 University requirement ZO1014 +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
HE2142 Consumption rationalize 02 Elective AE1014 +

This course includes the definition of the concept of rationalization of consumption and the mechanism of spreading rational awareness and the culture of optimal consumption in the consumption of food, clothing, housing, water and energy and the application of information and experience gained in the fields of the department to raise the level of rationalization of consumption Laboratory projectsTraining students on the foundations of proper rationalization and defining the wrong consumption habits of individuals and how to correct them

HE2122 Principles of Clothing Construction 02 Compulsory HE2113 +

Introducing the human body in the design of clothing and identifying the types of stitches and their functions, then studying the basic pattern of the skirt and the types of modifications that may be made to it to extract designs from it, such as the oversized skirt, the tight skirt, and the pleated skirt.The second part of the course deals with the study of all types of stitches, whether simple or complex, and how to implement them manually by the student. The last part of the course aims to get to know the upper pattern (corsage), then focus on the chest press, and study the most important conjugations of the chest pincer. Laboratory projectsExecuting the basic pattern of the skirt using paper, with making some types of the skirt as an assignment to be delivered in the middle of the semester, with drawing a miniature model of the basic skirt to be placed in the student’s work file (classier), then executing the stitches and placing them in the same file successively and in an organized manner. The student submits the classier at the end of the semester to be evaluated by the course instructor

HE2512 Management in Family Living 02 Compulsory +

Learn about the concept and types of family planning and management, the responsibilities of each member of the family and their relationship to management, training on how to make sound decisions, familiarity with aspects of the administrative process, knowledge of family resources, and how to manage them by following the steps of the administrative process of planning, organizing, implementation, and evaluation, identifying life skills and managing them In family life and the use of scientific thinking methods in discussing household budget planning and its application in life

HE4333 Child Care Education 03 Compulsory +

ling the child in kindergarten. It identifies the variables that called for the establishment of kindergartens in Libya, deduces the objectives of kindergartens, and clarifies the general educational objectives of kindergartens in Libya.

SW1003 03 University requirement BO1024 +

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AE3673 Rural Sociology 03 University requirement AE1014 +

HE5343 The psychology of social relations 03 Elective SO2003 +

. Identify the nature of social relations, their characteristics and types. . Studying the importance of social relations for the individual and society. Knowing the relationship between some aspects of culture in society and the prevailing social relations in it. . Learn about some aspects of pathological relationships and their negative effects, and ways to confront them. Determining the impact of socialization on the formation of identity among young people. Clarify some theories that explain social processes as a manifestation of interaction.

HE1122 FASHION MARKETING 02 Elective أ.م 2412 +

This course includes an introduction to the concept of marketing, its types, and future sales planning Learn about the elements of clothing marketing, the components of the industrial project, the importance of the ready-made garment industry, distribution facilities and their types, marketing strategy, pricing, and promotion. Developing appropriate solutions to commercial problems and developing a better plan for ways to increase marketing and increase capital

HE3112 Clothing Education 02 Compulsory HE2122 +

Introducing some general definitions in the course, then learn about the classification of clothing in terms of composition, making clothes, and in terms of type, then learning about colour and its importance in making clothes, and studying neutral and complementary colors, colour contrast, and colour groups The second part of the course deals with the study of types of clothing for all age groups, work clothes for women and men, the importance of the uniform and its advantages, rationalization of consumption in clothing, the method of arranging the wardrobe and identifying smart fabric, its beginnings, the purpose for which it was found, and its most important applications

FT2214 Biochemistry 04 University requirement CH2303 +

HE3223 Preserving household food 03 Compulsory +

The student studies food spoilage, its types and causes, food poisoning, the role of heat in food preservation, the most important preservation methods used at home, such as food fermentation, canning, sugar concentration, freezing, cooling and drying, and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Description of the working part: Knowledge of the scientific bases for the preparation and processing of foodstuffs and the most important methods of preservation used at home such as pickling, canning, jams, juices, freezing and drying, and the most important advantages and disadvantages and types of corruption that occur to foodstuffs preserved in these ways

HE3272 FOOD Safety 03 Elective HE2213 +

Definitions of the basics and terminology of food safety, the importance of food safety, ways to deal with the manufacture and storage of food through methods that prevent foodborne disease diseases, and knowledge of the basic standards of food hygiene and foodborne diseases

HE3313 Child Growth And Development 03 Compulsory HE2213 +

Studying the growth and development of the child in all physical, psychological, mental, social and emotional aspects, through studying the early, middle and late childhood stages, knowing the general laws of growth and growth influences, studying the natural observations on the stages of growth in early and middle childhood

HE3412 Extension of Home Economics 02 Compulsory HE2512 +

Introducing the extension work in the home economy, the specifications of the home economics guide, getting to know the workers in the extension apparatus, studying how to prepare and organize extension programs, identifying the elements and means of communication, how to use different means such as the media, etc., and identifying the factors influencing the selection of the extension medium, evaluating the extension work, and how to prepare women leaders in the countryside

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CH2101 01 General +


Healthy and dietary education includes a wide vision of educational strategies and environmental support to encourage the adoption of healthy and sustainable food options and eating patterns and go beyond giving information to enhance healthy options, as well as integrated measures to facilitate and empower healthy food behaviours and environments. It also includes nutritional education and health behaviours for dealing and raising ransom, safety conditions and food environment, the diseases caused by food and the importance of healthy nutrition in the different stages of life.

HE4213 Maternal And Child Nutrition 03 Compulsory +

The development of the foetus and the child in the different stages of development and the nutritional needs associated with and affecting the development and growth of the foetus and mother during pregnancy and during. And what accompanies these stages is the rapid rate of growth and an increase in nutritional needs, which makes the mother and child among the sensitive groups that are vulnerable to nutritional deficiencies. And feeding premature babies and children with down syndrome. Most important health and nutritional problems that accompany growth and how to treat the

HE4312 Health And Family Safety 02 Compulsory SO2003 +

Studying the causes and prevention of accidents, and how to properly equip and use the home pharmacy. How to use first aid in some cases (such as burns, wounds, fractures, and bleeding) and training on how to care for the patient inside the home in some cases, such as treating minor injuries to the digestive and respiratory systems, measuring the degree of Temperature, blood pressure, the use of compresses, the use of medical needles of all kinds

HE4323 Family Relationship 03 Compulsory HE2313 +

Course Description Enable the student to acquire knowledge and skills about family counseling and its theories, introduce modern trends in family counseling, and develop students' skills in dealing with situations and difficulties facing the family.

HE3132 Household Sewing 02 Elective HE2122 +

HE3213 Community and Nutrition 03 Elective HE3213 +

Studying the concept of community nutrition and its relationship to other sciences, identifying nutritional problems and factors affecting the nutritional status of the community, identifying the tasks of nutritionists, institutions, and organizations related to community nutrition programs, and assessing the nutritional situation in Arab societies and our society in particular, as well as knowing the indicative aspect of nutritional programs

HE3513 Interior design 03 Compulsory +

The student is introduced to the principles of residential interior design with hygienic, functional and aesthetic specifications. Training on how to master drawing sizes and calculating spaces, identifying functional spaces through horizontal projections, training in the correct use of engineering tools, the use of engineering scale and the process of reducing and enlarging the size of a drawing.

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
HE4122 02 Elective HE3112 +

Introducing the concept of technology in the field of the clothing industry, the student learns about the basic components of the technology of the ready-made clothing industry and learns about the different methods of mixing natural and industrial fibers, and the student studies the technology of manufacturing ready-made garments in factories and the arrangement of production lines used within the ready-made garment factoriesLaboratory projectsWriting reports in which the student integrates his experience in understanding the technology of ready-made garments through drawing the pattern, spreading the fabric, cutting and interlocking, and the student presents a simulation of a clothing factory through a mini-work in which he uses computer technologies

HE3114 General Machine Studies 04 Elective PH1123 +

Learn about the types of machines/overlock/buttonhole machine/button machine/machine cutting/sewing machines of all kinds, study the maintenance of machines, training in cleaning and repairing faults, maintaining spare parts for machines, learn about the method of lubricating different machines, getting to know ironing and cutting devices, and studying the movement of all machines Laboratory projects The student will get acquainted practically with the machines, the movement of each type and the method of their maintenance, the installation and maintenance of spare parts for each type, and the method of lubrication of industrial and domestic machines. The student will also learn how to use cutting and ironing devices for clothes.

CH2301 Laboratory organic chemistry 01 General +

HE4223 Therapeutic nutrition 03 Compulsory AP2204 +

Therapeutic nutrition is the science that studies the role of nutrition in various pathological conditions. It also studies the effect of food components and the importance of each component for the growth, health, and safety of the body. It also studies the different interactions between the components of food and the various organs in the body and their impact on the health of the body in the case of health and disease. Therapeutic nutrition also includes a study of The vital and physiological interactions after eating lunch also knowing the role of different cultures and the behavioral influences and habits associated with eating food, and nutrition in different pathological conditions such as kidney and liver diseases, obesity, diabetes, blood pressure, and nutritional management

HE4002 field training 02 Elective +

Laboratory projects This course aims to qualify students with applied knowledge of home economics journals. The course includes practical training under the supervision of the subject professor for training in hospitals on planning meals for patients, dealing with them, and giving awareness lectures in kindergartens and schools

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
HE4352 Evaluation & Measurement in Educational Programs 02 Elective HE3412 +

Introducing the concepts of measurement and evaluation, fields, educational objectives, its classification, how to formulate it, classroom tests, how to construct them, types, characteristics, areas of use, interpretation of results, and the relative weights of achievement tests.

HE3122 Children Clothes 02 Elective HE2122 +

Studying the definitions and terminology of children's clothing, the importance of children's clothing and the clothing needs of the different stages of child development, identifying the appropriate materials for choosing them for children's clothing, drawing and implementing a pattern for a one-year-old child's shirt, and a pattern for children from 3 years and above, studying the modifications that can be made to the basic pattern to obtain Diversity of designsLaboratory projects Executing the basic pattern for a one-year-old child, then the basic pattern for children from 3 years and over, and distinguishing the difference between the first and second pattern in shape and the specificity of implementation The basic pattern is handed over in an integrated manner in the middle of the semester, and then the execution of a specific design is handed over to the child’s basic pattern at the end of the semester

HE3251 Scientific Baking Methods 01 Elective HE2213 +

cooking goods Identify the basic materials in making dough and methods of s, and the effect of water, fat, and flour, on the Rising material and their effect on the yield of baked goods. The effect of manufacturing processes on nutritional value. Consumption of time and effort when cooking. The ability to write reports and solve problems expected to occur during work. Laboratory project Identify the basic tools and materials in making dough, and now the dough goes through, the scientific methods used in making different types of dough and baked goods, and identify the raw materials in the different dough mixture

HE3253 03 not defined +

HE3263 Cooking for Group 03 Elective HE3213 +

Studying the scientific bases for preparing foods in institutions that provide food services to groups, while identifying the mechanisms of the food service system Studying how to prepare food menus for groups, and the financial operations resulting from the food menus Laboratory projects Defining the concept of preparing food menus, Learning how to calculate the recipe for large numbers of recipes. Distinguishing between types of food menus, Knowing ways to prepare and provide nutrition services to groups

HE3423 Teaching Methods 03 Elective HE1202 HE2412 +

The course includes the definition of some educational terminology, the roles they play, and some teaching methods that must be followed during teaching. The course also includes executive teaching skills at different levels, such as defining concepts, formulating teaching objectives in a good way, choosing teaching methods and teaching aids commensurate with the educational situation, with training on some skills. Teaching through micro-teaching Laboratory projects The practical side deals with training in teaching skills through micro-teaching, part of which has been implemented in schools

HE3553 Nutrition Assessment 03 Elective HE3213 +

This course students to methods of nutrition assessment that include dietary, social history, clinical examination, anthropometric measurements, and biochemical tests for individuals and community. Laboratory projects Practice practical nutritional assessment methods, such as the dietary history, 24-hour food recall form, the 24-hour intake record, the food intake tracking form and food scores, as well as training in anthropometric measurements

HE4112 Advanced Clothing 02 Elective +

Identifying the distinctive features of the fabrics used in the implementation of clothing, studying the stuffing fabrics and identifying the different stuffing materials for making the jacket, and identifying the stages of implementing the jacket with stuffing and lining, and the student explains the importance of the materials and fibers to be used in the clothing industryThe student explains the types of fibers used in the manufacture of the jacket and prepares the necessary stages for making the jacket (preparation, execution, and finishing), and learns about the raw materials used in making the lining of the jacket, in addition to studying the fabrics used in the filling, whether woven or non-woven, and their effect on changing the appearance of the jacket, and then implementing the filling. and jacket lining

HE4132 Textile Design And Weaving 02 Elective HE2113 +

Identifying the general methods of spinning and distinguishing between natural and industrial spinning. The Mafrar also aims to define and classify the various stitches of weaving such as plain, Atlantic, velor and terry cloth, and how the characteristics of each stitch differ. Study the types of threads designated for different stitches and pre-weave preparation processes, including carding, opening and laying, in addition to studying the types of threads. devoted to weaving and knitting yarns and studying the international numbering system for yarns and its importance in determining the final use of the productLaboratory projects The student practices laboratory tests to identify the method of angling the threads, whether clockwise or counterclockwise, and the advantage of each type, and stands in the laboratory on the clear differences between the numbering of the threads and the purpose for each numbering

HE4422 Vocational Educational in Home Economic 02 Elective AE1014 +

The course deals with identifying the areas of home economics - the objectives of the fields of home economics - management at work and at home - home management - family resources - family income management - the role of technology in home management - establishing small projects - quality - agencies supporting small projects - marketing - marketing and communication - E-Marketing.

HE4513 Home furnishing 03 Elective HE1052 +

The course aims to get acquainted with the history of art in ancient civilizations and to highlight the aesthetics that the ancient artist dealt with in all his life possessions and the journey of human development in this beauty.

HE6342 Family Counselling and Guidance 03 Elective +

The course deals with clarifying the biological concept of the family - classification of the family - stages of family life growth - family standards, biological family functions, concept of family Guidance and its development, family Guidance process - principles of family Guidance - tasks of family Guidance - objectives of family Guidance. Problems that family Guidance deals with Family relations - family rights - the concept of marriage and its development- goals of marriage - preparation for marriage - definition of marital adjustment - areas of marital adjustment - theories of marital choice - family counseling theories - constructive family therapy.

PS4039 psychology 03 Compulsory +

03 not defined أ.م 2412 +