Bachelor in Italian Language

University of Tripoli - Department of Italian Language



       This Italian BA provides a stimulating program of Italian language and linguistics, literature, art, history and film. Students can take Italian from beginner's level or advanced (post A level or equivalent). Language study is compulsory throughout the program and is designed to cater for those either with or without prior knowledge of the language. You will also take modules each year in areas such as literature, history, linguistics, culture and art, covering a large historical timespan.

       The Italian language and Italian literature are taught in the Italian Language Department at the Faculty of Languages, using modern curricula that were brought from famous Italian universities. The student studies the first semester as an introductory semester and is given the Italian language and three other general subjects, then he begins to study 34 specialized subjects divided into seven semesters in addition to some general subjects.

       After completing eight semesters (the introductory semester and seven specialized semesters in the Italian language department), the student obtains a BA in Italian from the Faculty of Languages - University of Tripoli

       Based on an agreement concluded between the State of Libya and the State of Italy, annually a number of students in the department receive scholarships in an Italian country that are paid for. In the past, some of the department's graduates also received scholarships to prepare for master's degrees.

       The labor market for graduates of the Italian language is abundant and in high demand. The teaching of the Italian language as a foreign language has recently been approved in the secondary stages in the State of Libya, which makes the teaching of the Italian language in Libyan universities very important.


  • The student should be able to show specialized scientific knowledge in the field of the uses of the Italian language and translation from and to it.
  • To familiarize the student with the basic concepts in scientific research.
  • The student must show his ability to enroll in a postgraduate program.
  • The student should be able to engage professionally in jobs related to his specialization.


  • Proficiency in the Italian language, which allows the student to speak, communicate and write in it.
  • The ability to translate from Italian into Arabic and vice versa.
  • Knowledge of a second foreign language in addition to the Italian language and the Arabic language as a mother tongue.
  • Communication with languages and cultures based on the concept of cultural diversity.
  • To understand the grammatical and grammatical rules of the Italian language
  • That the student deduces the methods of linguistic and literary expression in the Italian language
  • To familiarize the student with the cultural and cultural components of the Italian language
  • To familiarize the student with the principles of translation, theories of linguistics and literary theories.
  • That the student analyze ideas, and be able to dialogue and persuasion in a logical manner.
  • To search for information using modern technology (the Internet).
  • The student should graduate able to communicate by all technical and scientific means.
  • The student reads texts in Italian correctly.
  • That the student use the correct grammar of the Italian language to write a topic or a scientific report.
  • That the student graduate qualified and highly qualified in the field of language.
  • The student should be able to work in a group.

Certificate Rewarded

  • Bachelor's degree in Italian language

Entry Reuirements

  • Obtaining a high school diploma.
  • The student's grade should be (65%).

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Italian Language prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Italian Language. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 132 units, which include 14 units of general subjects, and 114 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
IT 103 Written Comprehension and Expression 1 04 Compulsory +

The Written Comprehension and Expression course is considered course No. 103IT in written expression subjects and is taught in the first semester. It combines all the other courses in the first semester to form a complete picture in one course called Written Comprehension and Expression 1 in terms of Italian topics and grammar, and from here it begins. The student is able to write in the Italian language, as by completing this course the student will be able to write, understand, and comprehend all the lessons in the Italian language.

IT101 Grammar 1 04 Compulsory +

The course Grammar 1 is considered one of the important courses and is taught in the first semester in the Italian Language Department. This course is considered the most important and the rest of the courses are built upon it. In this course the student begins studying the basic grammar, and in it the student begins learning the principles of the Italian language. One of the lessons of this course is the study of grammar. . Prepositions. Structure of sentences, knowledge of personal pronouns, possessive articles, and other basics from which sentences are built. Also in this course, verbs and their conjugations are taught.

IT102 Comprehension and Oral Expression 1 04 Compulsory +

The Comprehension and Oral Expression course is considered course No. 102 IT in oral subjects and is taught in the first semester. It combines all the other courses in the first semester to form a complete picture in one course called Comprehension and Oral Expression 1 in terms of Italian topics and grammar, and from here the student begins. For conversation in the Italian language, as by completing this course the student will be able to communicate, understand and assimilate all lessons in the Italian language.

IT 104 Laboratory 1 02 Compulsory +

The course, Laboratory 1, is a subject taught in the first semester. It is a specialization course in the Italian Language Department and precedes it. The course, Laboratory 1, numbered IT104, is considered one of the main and basic courses in teaching the student the correct pronunciation of letters, words, and sentences. This course is based on audio and phonics. The goal of teaching it is to give the student the ability to pronounce correctly and the ability to comprehend everything he hears

E001 Foreign Language 1 02 General +

The foreign language is an optional language that is taught for four semesters. This subject is chosen by the student and is a choice from among four languages: English, symbolized by the symbol EN, French FR, translation TR, or Spanish ES. The foreign course is studied from among these courses. For a period of four semesters 1-2-3-4, the aim of teaching the foreign subject is to strengthen the student so that upon graduation he will be conversant in the language of specialization in addition to another language.

ARIT 100 Arabic Language 1 02 University requirement +

The Arabic Language 1 subject is considered a general introduction to Arabic science. It presents a number of its original topics, starting with the importance and characteristics of the Arabic language, passing through grammar, parsing, spelling, and report writing.

SL19100 General French Language 02 Compulsory +

This course focuses on the basic principles of the French language, as it contains oral and written communication in various everyday situations. Therefore, the subjects related to the basics are given priority in this course and the students will get practical tools, useful structures and vocabulary that they use more independently in order to understand the French language And to be understood by people who speak this language, emphasis is also placed on preparing the student to engage in the French language department. It is hoped that this new organization of educational materials and objectives will serve the real educational transformation, which is represented in reorienting foreign language learning towards more effective educational methods.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
E002 Foreign Language 2 02 University requirement E001 +

The foreign language is an optional language that is taught for four semesters. This subject is chosen by the student and is a choice from among four languages: English, symbolized by the symbol EN, French FR, translation TR, or Spanish ES. The foreign course is studied from among these courses. For a period of four semesters 1-2-3-4, the aim of teaching the foreign subject is to strengthen the student so that upon graduation he will be conversant in the language of specialization in addition to another language.

IT 202 Comprehension and Oral Expression 2 04 Elective +

The course is a memorandum taught to students of the Italian Language Department/second semester.A conversation about all the terms to be used when expressing a specific topic, as it deals with topics that can be pictures, symbols, or words for the student to express through how to speak, participate in the dialogue, and use questions and answers.

IT 203 Comprehension and written expression 2 04 Compulsory +

IT 204 Laboratory 2 04 Compulsory +

Laboratory 2 is a subject taught in the second semester. It is a specialization course in the Italian Language Department and is preceded by a general Italian course taught to the student in the introductory semester. The Laboratory 2 course is considered one of the main and basic courses in teaching the student the correct pronunciation of letters, words, and sentences, and this course is approved. On audio and phonetics, the aim of teaching it is to give the student the ability to pronounce correctly and the ability to comprehend everything he hears.

IT201 Grammar 2 04 Compulsory +

This course deals with the study of all adjectives, demonstrative pronouns, as well as interrogative pronouns, the use of standard and non-standard verbs for the present, past, and future tenses, and how to distinguish between tenses, especially the recent past tense and the imperfect past tense. The student also learns the use of simple and compound prepositions, and all kinds of adverbs.

AREN200 Arabic Language 2 02 General AREN19100 +

This course is concerned with teaching students the correct structure of Arabic sentences, developing students’ linguistic skills i.e. morphological, grammatical, written, text processing, clarifying sentences and sound linguistic structures according to the rules of the Arabic language, and preserving students’ tongues and pens from making mistakes.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
E003 Foreign Language 3 02 University requirement E002 +

The foreign language is an optional language that is taught for four semesters. This subject is chosen by the student and is a choice from among four languages: English, symbolized by the symbol EN, French FR, translation TR, or Spanish ES. The foreign course is studied from among these courses. For a period of four semesters 1-2-3-4, the aim of teaching the foreign subject is to strengthen the student so that upon graduation he will be conversant in the language of specialization in addition to another language.

IT304 02 Compulsory IT 204 +

Multimedia Laboratory Course 1 or Laboratory 3 is a course that follows Laboratory 2 and is taught in the third semester in the Italian Language Department, where students are taught how to correctly pronounce words and the practical application in the laboratory of all the courses of this semester, especially grammar in texts and dialogues through listening and expression. Orally in a proper manner, taking into account all linguistic rules while teaching this subject

AREN300 Arabic Language 3 02 General AREN200 +

This course is concerned with developing the student's linguistic skills, including grammar, morphology, and spelling, and applying them to Quranic and poetic texts.

IT 303 04 Compulsory IT 203 +

The aim of teaching this course is to introduce the student to the basics of constructing the nominal and verbal sentences and the difference between them, adjusting the endings of words in terms of masculine, feminine, singular and plural, and choosing appropriate words and phrases and using them within the sentence according to the correct grammatical rules until the student is able to acquire the skills. necessary to help him write initial texts. The course also seeks to help the student acquire the ability to analyze and comprehend texts and introduce the student to the rules of writing informal letters.

IT302 Comprehension and Oral Expression 3 04 Compulsory IT 202 +

Comprehension and Oral Expression 3 is a course that is taught in the third semester in the Italian Language Department. It is followed by Comprehension and Oral Expression 2. It is considered complementary to it, and in it the student is taught how to verbally express all that is important in daily life in sentences, simple topics, and summarization. Some texts and dialogues.

IT301 Grammar 3 04 Compulsory IT201 +

This course aims to provide selected vocabulary and grammar rules that suit the comprehension level of the students. This course also includes exercises to build vocabulary and to enhance students' abilities in forming simple sentences and dialogues that focus on the present and past tense. This course focuses on understanding the basic rules to reach the top of language proficiency and avoid making grammatical or logical errors. This enables the student to speak and write in Italian accurately and fluently.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
IT4022 Comprehension and Oral Expression 4 04 Compulsory IT 203 +

Writing 4, compared to Writing 3, is not much different in the type required of the student, but the student’s style develops because Writing 3 and Writing 4 are considered among the basics of writing because after them there are specialized courses in teaching the art and technique of writing. In Writing 4, the student is exposed to topics Slightly different than before. That is, he finds himself faced with topics related to culture, daily life, problems, and several psychological matters. Here the student raises his level, because he finds himself in a state of preparation and curiosity that motivates him to learn the technique and art of writing.

AR201 Arabic Language 4 02 General +

Arabic language is one of the most important linguistic subjects because it is our tongue, and whoever is not fluent in its language has no language. Therefore, the Arabic language is considered the fourth level as a complement to the course of an integrated curriculum. This subject is concerned with developing the student’s linguistic skills, especially grammatical, through the application of some Quranic and poetic texts.

403IT 4 Comprehension and Written Expression 04 Compulsory IT302 +

The course of Oral Comprehension and Expression is considered Course No. 4 in the oral subjects. It is taught in the fourth semester and combines all the oral courses in the previous semesters to form a complete picture in one course in terms of Italian topics and grammar. From here, the student begins to study fully in the Italian language, as the By completing this course, the student will be able to communicate, understand and assimilate all the lessons in the Italian language

E004 Foreign Language 4 02 University requirement E003 +

The foreign language is an optional language that is taught for four semesters. This subject is chosen by the student and is a choice from among four languages: English, symbolized by the symbol EN, French FR, translation TR, or Spanish ES. The foreign course is studied from among these courses. For a period of four semesters 1-2-3-4, the aim of teaching the foreign subject is to strengthen the student so that upon graduation he will be conversant in the language of specialization in addition to another language.

IT 401 Grammar 4 03 Compulsory IT301 +

This course aims to present selected vocabulary and grammatical rules that suit the comprehension level of students. This material also includes exercises to build vocabulary and enhance students’ abilities to compose simple sentences and dialogues, focusing in general on the tenses of the declarative form and personal pronouns of all kinds. This course focuses on understanding the foundations of parsing through analyzing news and literary texts and articles to reach the pinnacle of familiarity with the language and avoid making grammatical or logical errors. This enables the student to speak and write in Italian accurately and fluently.

IT 404 Multimedia Laboratory 2 03 Compulsory IT 303 +

The course helps with correct pronunciation by listening to his own texts, correct reading when reading audio texts, and also teaches writing the correct spelling of the word and acquiring important vocabulary and expressions in learning the language.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
IT 508 Italian Language for Tourism 03 Compulsory 403IT +

A course that is a memorandum taught to students in the Italian Language Department/fourth semester. Tourism language refers to all the terms that are intended to be used when traveling. The terms can be pictures, symbols, or words how to prepare a tourism project such as (hotel/restaurant/banquet hall).

ICIIT 100 Islamic culture 02 University requirement +

The Islamic culture subject is concerned with the spiritual aspect of the student, as it instills and deepens the correct concepts of the sound and moderate Islamic religion by defining it: revelation - and the definition of the Qur’an - and the etiquette of recitation - and the types of revelation - and the revelations of the Qur’an, in addition to the Sunnah and its definition - and clarifying the types of Sunnah, and its relationship to the Qur’an, with a focus on The concept of faith and Islam - the truth of faith - the pillars of faith, the increase and decrease of faith - the truth of Islam - the rules of Islam, warning against extremism in religion - repulsing extremism - and clarifying the types of extremism, then clarifying the aspect of worship and what it entails of purity and its rulings, pure and impure objects, ablution and washing. And tayammum, and the rulings related to them, and prayer and its rulings, its importance, and the ruling on one who abandons it, then he mentioned aspects of his biography, represented by mentioning his lineage, peace and blessings of God be upon him, and examples of his biography and imitating his morals.

IT 501 Advanced Grammar 1 03 Compulsory IT 401 +

This course introduces the student to grammatical concepts and models directly related to grammatical rules and sentence formation and the study of all phrasal tenses and simple and complex grammatical structures. The student delves into grammatical structures by using the tenses of probability and doubt and conditional tenses to form conditional sentences. The student also studies the passive voice. The course also aims to Enhancing students’ skills in communication, analyzing linguistic data, and drawing conclusions, through a practical study assignment in which the student provides various grammatical exercises and exercises.

IT 502 Advanced Writing 1 03 Compulsory 403IT +

This course introduces the student to writing methods, the grading rules used in writing, and how to write ordinary, essay, administrative, and official texts that are directly related to the semester’s outcomes.

IT 505 Italian Literature 1 03 Compulsory IT4022 +

IT 507 Translation 1 03 Compulsory 403IT +

Translation course 1 IT507 is a course taught in the fifth semester in the Italian Language Department. In this course, the student begins to learn the meaning of translation, translation theories, and the types and basics of translation. The student is trained on how to translate sentences and short texts correctly and soundly until he gains experience. In dealing with the Arabic and Italian languages in terms of translation.

IT 510 Linguistics 1 03 Compulsory IT 401 +

Introducing the subject and what is meant by linguistics. It is considered an introductory approach to the subject in a brief and useful way. He talks about the sections and branches that derive from the term linguistics. Which specializes in the study of human language and its historical forms. It is about giving the student an overview and definitions that explain the importance of linguistics as a subject from which most of the subjects prescribed as a curriculum for study in the department come from.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
IT 601 Advanced Grammar 2 03 Compulsory IT 501 +

The course Advanced Grammar 2 is considered one of the important courses and is taught in the sixth semester in the Italian Language Department. This course is considered an extension of the course Advanced Grammar 1. In this course, all of the grammar courses and what was taught in previous semesters are used. It is a comprehensive course in which the student begins speaking. And practicing all the rules on important topics, and one of the lessons of this course is studying the rules for using prepositions and the branches of their meanings and uses according to some of their advanced rules, especially in communication and communication and their uses in daily life in a developed and different manner. Also in this course, apparent and causal linguistic verbs are taught. Direct and indirect speech is also taught. This course also includes the study of pronominal verbs.

IT 602 Advanced Writing 2 03 Compulsory IT 605 +

IT 605 Italian Literature 2 03 Compulsory IT 505 +

Studying cultural movements in the Renaissance era and continuing to study the most important writers and thinkers of the century 1700 to 1800

IT 607 Translation 2 03 Compulsory IT 507 +

Translation course 2 IT 607 is a course taught in the sixth semester in the Italian Language Department. In this course, the student begins to learn the application of translation, translation theories and its types, where the student is trained on how to translate contracts and political and commercial texts and to provide correct and correct simultaneous translation. In order to gain experience in dealing with the Arabic and Italian languages in terms of translation.

IT 609 Business Italian Language ​ 03 Compulsory IT 508 +

This course introduces the student to the types of texts and terminology used in the field of work and trade.

IT 610 Linguistics 2 03 Compulsory IT 510 +

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
IT 706 Morphology 03 Compulsory IT 601 +

This course introduces the student to morphological concepts and models, and the general foundations of parsing and analysis. It also deals with a comprehensive study of the nine parts of speech in the Italian language (definite and indefinite articles - nouns - adjectives - pronouns - verbs - adverbs - prepositions - conjunctions or conjunctions - exclamatory devices). This course aims to develop the student's ability to comprehend and evaluate words, their types, and ways of using them. The course also aims to enhance students’ skills in communication, analyzing linguistic data, and drawing conclusions, through a practical study assignment in which the student presents analysis and parsing of literary texts. This course focuses on understanding the foundations of parsing through analyzing news and literary texts and articles to reach the pinnacle of familiarity with the language and avoid making grammatical or logical errors. This enables the student to speak and write in Italian accurately and fluently.

IT 712 Commercial language 2 03 Compulsory IT 609 +

The Italian commercial language is considered an important subject for the student, especially after studying the commercial language 1 course, as it adds important matters related to the labor market in a precise manner that helps him understand the internal systems of companies, carry out tasks and duties, and develop solutions to problems that may arise during work, tax matters, financing operations, and exploitation. Opportunities in accordance with applicable laws and regulations to establish companies and activities. How to introduce the product inside and outside the country and how to promote and market it through advertising campaigns through private advertising agencies.

IT 711 History of Italian Art 03 Compulsory IT 605 +

A subject that studies the history of the development of artistic work in all its forms. We shed light on international and famous works in the world and Italy, while knowing the most famous works, the most famous painters and sculptors in Italy, and the most famous international artistic movements.

IT 710 Phonetics 1 03 Compulsory IT 610 +

IT 707 Specialized Translation 1 03 Compulsory IT 607 +

The course is a memorandum taught to students of the Italian Language Department, seventh semester.It covers the general definition of translation, the disadvantages and advantages of translation, translating all the terms to be used when translating documents, focusing on listening to texts and simultaneous translation exercises, as well as how to use a computer to translate.

IT 700 Research Methods 03 Compulsory IT 502 +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
IT 810 Phonetics 2 03 Compulsory IT 710 +

IT 806 Grammar 03 Compulsory IT 712 +

This course introduces the student to grammatical concepts and models, and the general foundations of parsing and logical analysis. It also deals with a comprehensive study of the grammatical elements that make up the simple sentence. The student also studies the most important direct and indirect objects and their uses. He must also study the types of “main and secondary” sentences. The student also learns how to conduct the logical analysis of sentences as well as the logical analysis of texts. The course also aims to enhance the skills of Students are able to communicate, analyze linguistic data, and draw conclusions, through a practical study assignment in which the student presents a logical and grammatical analysis of literary texts. This course focuses on understanding the foundations of parsing through analyzing news and literary texts and articles to reach the pinnacle of familiarity with the language and avoid making grammatical or logical errors. This enables the student to speak and write in Italian accurately and fluently.

IT 802 Graduation Research 03 Compulsory IT 801 +

Course objectives:This course is the culmination of all skills acquired along their postgraduate studies and aims to introduce students to their direct research experiences.The course is based on a prerequisite of 'Research Methodology' and students will be guided by a supervisor to put their knowledge of research methods into practice.

IT 801 Essay Writing 03 Compulsory IT 700 +