Bachelor in Arabic

University of Tripoli - Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies



The programmer aims to graduate students capable of teaching the Arabic language in the stages of general education to meet the needs of educational institutions and contribute to the development of the curriculum in collaboration with specialists to qualify the student teacher scientifically and educationally. It also prepares teachers capable of analyzing Arabic language curricula as well as developing appropriate teaching programs to increase the proficiency of students, in addition to providing scientific, linguistic, and religious consultations to relevant stakeholders to strengthen cultural and scientific links with various scientific bodies in order to spread the culture of lifelong learning.


1. To help the learner to read correctly, develop the capacity to use the language appropriately while speaking with others, and strengthen the speaking and listening skills to deliver his/her educational mission professionally.

2. To help the learner to express himself and his thoughts in both written and spoken form, as well as use proper punctuation and gain the ability to write academically.

3. To Develop the student's literary sense and provide him with the capacity to recognize the aesthetic aspects of speech patterns, meanings, and forms.

4. To Help the students to comprehend complex structures and mysterious methods and enablethem to think accurately and research carefully and thoroughly.  


A.    knowledge and understanding

·         To fundamentally understand linguistic principles, meanings, and relationships.

·         To Understand the various grammatical and formal styles and their peculiarities.   

·         To Understand the critical approaches and various literary phenomena and the ability to relate them

·         To understandliterary and linguistic works

B.     The Mental skills

·         To be able to relate, extrapolate, induce and the grammatical rules

·         To be able to read contemporary linguistic knowledge and literary texts

·         To be able to Interpret, connect, and balance texts

·         To be able to apply critical and creative thinking in reading comprehending and evaluating literary texts.

C.    Practical and professional skills

·         Reading literary texts according to grammatical and literal standards.

·         Dividing Arabic poetry in accordance with the poetic metre in the field of Prosody.  

·         Oral communication and diction in professional and rhetorical contexts.

·         Use of language dictionaries.

D.    General skills

·         Practicing writing and speaking in standard Arabic  

·         Writing literary articles in a proper language

·         Diversifying learning resources and assessment techniques

·         Facing and problem-solving skills 

Certificate Rewarded

Licenciate in Education & Art

Entry Reuirements

  • ·         The student must have obtained the high school diploma of the literary department or its equivalent
  • ·         The student must Pass the oral and written entrance exam of the Departmentز
  • ·         The student must be healthy and fit to continue studying.
  • ·         The student must not have any physical defects that might impedehis performance and educational mission.
  • ·         Certificates awarded upon completion of the programmer
  • ·         Bachelor’s degree in Education and Arts
  • Study Plan

    The Bachelor in Arabic prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Arabic. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

    It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 164 units, which include 8 units of general subjects, and 102 major units, 26 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

    Study plan for this program is shown below:

    1st Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    ES115 general psychology 02 Elective +

    The course aims to introduce the student to the concept of psychology, its development, objectives, branches, schools and research methods in it, the nature of motives and emotions that direct human behavior and mental processes (sensation, attention, perception, remembering and forgetting, intelligence, and learning).

    AR112 The Origins of Writing 1 02 Compulsory +

    ES161 Basic Principles of Education 02 Elective +

    Introducing the student to the concept of the origins of education, the characteristics of the concept of the origins of education, the goals and importance of education, the principles and types of education, and the relationship of education to other sciences (psychology, philosophy, history, sociology), and enlightening the student about the development of education through the ages, and education through ancient civilizations, education among the Egyptians, Chinese, and Greeks Romanians), and enable the student to learn about education in Renaissance societies, socialization

    GC113 02 General +

    AR114 Introduction to Rhetoric 02 Compulsory +

    AR110 Grammar 1 04 Compulsory +

    AR117 02 Compulsory +

    2nd Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    GC123 English language2 02 General GC113 +

    AR113 Pre-Islamic Literature 04 Compulsory +

    AR116 The Jurisprudence of Worship 1 02 Compulsory +

    A theoretical course that aims to teach the chapters of Islamic jurisprudence and what is meant by it in terms of the concept of worship and its objectives, in which the student studies the book of purity and its related sections of water, pure and impure objects, ablution, washing, tayammum, wiping over the socks, and everything that the student needs to know in order to perform worship correctly, as well as maintaining and perpetuating it. And in order for all of this to contribute to the student’s understanding of Islamic jurisprudence, the correct understanding that is far from extremism and extremism

    EC235 02 General +

    The course is presented to the student through lectures, and reliance on the educational assignment, which depends on collecting the theoretical concepts of the lesson and the possibility of applying them in the school, in addition to the educational dialogue that depends on the exchange of ideas, in addition to the use of learning

    3rd Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    GC234 02 General +

    It is a scientific, mathematical and statistical subject given in the second semester. It is represented in organizing statistical data and methods of presenting them in tables and graphics, then summarizing them numerically by calculating measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, denominations, percentiles, skewness and kurtosis coefficient, and studying the relationship between the two variables through correlation and regression.

    AR120 Grammar 2 04 Compulsory +

    AR121 Morphology 1 02 Compulsory +

    AR122 The Origins of Writing 2 02 Compulsory +

    AR124 Semantics 02 Compulsory +

    AR123 Islamic Literature 04 Compulsory AR113 +

    4th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    AR230 Grammar 3 04 Compulsory +

    GC134 02 General +

    EC236 02 General +

    The general objective of including this course in the scientific program is to familiarize the student with the basic skills in teaching and to provide the student with positive attitudes towards the teaching profession and to introduce the student to the educational goals, their levels and classification, and to distinguish the student between general and specific goals and to introduce the student to the characteristics, characteristics, duties and roles of the multiple and varied successful teacher in teaching as well as to introduce the student It focuses on the nature of teaching and the traditional and modern view of teaching. The course also contributes to providing the student with the ability to plan some of the lessons prescribed for primary school students.

    AR233 The Abbasid Literature 04 Compulsory +

    AR234 Rhetoric 02 Compulsory +

    AR236 The Jurisprudence of Worship 3 02 Compulsory +

    A theoretical subject that aims to teach the student jurisprudence based on the legal evidence from the Book, the Sunnah, and the sayings of the imams represented in the chapters of jurisprudence, including fasting and its issues such as its obligation and the wisdom of its legitimacy, its obligations, its Sunnahs, its dislikes and its invalidations.

    5th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    EC246 Bases of Curricula 02 Elective +

    The course is presented to the students of the College of Education in all their specializations. The course is concerned with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the curriculum and the importance of studying it. It also recognizes the concepts related to the school curriculum, its foundations, pillars, elements and types, and to understand the great burden that falls on it as a future teacher in the process of implementing the curriculum. To provide opportunities for fruitful thinking and learning.

    EC356 02 General +

    GC354 Measurement and evaluation 02 General GC234 +

    The course aims to provide the student with the most important basic concepts in the field of measurement and evaluation and to define their role in the educational process, as well as addressing the definition of educational measurement and evaluation and identifying its characteristics, importance, objectives, tools, fields, levels and types, all the way to achievement tests and their types, types and methods of preparation and verification of their validity and reliability. Preparing and developing its standards in the light of analyzing its results.

    AR231 Morphology 2 02 Compulsory +

    AR240 Grammar 4 04 Compulsory +

    AR243 Andalusian Literature 02 Compulsory +

    AR244 Science of Figures of peech 02 Compulsory +

    AR246 The Jurisprudence of Worship 4 02 Compulsory +

    6th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    AR478 Teaching Practice 1 02 Compulsory +

    GC144 02 General +

    AR241 Morphology 3 02 Compulsory +

    AR250 Grammar 5 04 Compulsory +

    AR248 Linguistic Practices 02 Compulsory +

    7th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    AR360 Grammar 6 04 Compulsory +

    ES355 Developmental Psychology 02 Elective +

    Provide scientific research and its importance 1. The student should become acquainted with the subject of growth-induced obscurantism (advancement) 2. The student should be able to understand the importance of studying developmental psychology 3. The student should gain experience in research methods in developmental psychology 4. The student should become acquainted with the principles and laws of growth Influencing factors in developmental psychology

    AR351 Phonetics 02 Compulsory +

    AR354 Prosody 04 Compulsory +

    AR355 Ancient Literature Criticism 02 Compulsory +

    AR356 The Jurisprudence of Worship 5 02 Compulsory +

    AR358 Specialised Teaching Methodology 02 Compulsory +

    8th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    EC475 02 General +

    AR489 GRADUATION PROJECT 04 General MA362 +

    AR488 Teaching Practice 2 04 Compulsory +

    Teaching Practice is considered an essential pillar of teacher preparation and training programs and compulsory courses, as it contributes to preparing the student/teacher in preparation for his practice of the teaching profession and providing him with the information, skills, values ​​and attitudes necessary for him in his performance as a future teacher. It includes a number of activities, some of which take place in the college and others. In the cooperating school, where he gets involved in the real classroom situation to play his role as a trainee teacher who implements a set of activities under the cooperative supervision between the college and the Department of Education administration.

    Elective Subjects

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    AR477 Science of Hadeeth 02 Compulsory +

    AR247E Sciences of Al Quaran 02 Elective +

    EC364 Research Methodology 02 General EC354 +

    AR487E Studies in Al Sunaa 02 Elective +

    AR127 The Fundamentals of Fiqah 02 Compulsory +

    AR126 The Jurisprudence of Worship 2 02 Compulsory +

    A theoretical course that aims to teach the chapters of Islamic jurisprudence and what is meant by it in terms of the concept of worship and its objectives, in which the student studies the book of purity and its related sections of water, pure and impure objects, ablution, washing, tayammum, wiping over the socks, and everything that the student needs to know in order to perform worship correctly, as well as maintaining and perpetuating it. And in order for all of this to contribute to the student’s understanding of Islamic jurisprudence, the correct understanding that is far from extremism and extremism

    AR486E Jurisprudence Rules 02 Elective +

    AR361 Linguistics 02 Compulsory +

    AR363 Modern Literature 04 Compulsory +

    AR365 Modern Literature Criticism 02 Compulsory +

    AR366 Provisions of the Family 02 Compulsory +

    AR368 Linguistic Practices 02 Compulsory +

    AR470 Grammar 7 04 Compulsory +

    AR471 Semantics 02 Compulsory +

    AR475 Texts Analysis 02 Compulsory +