Master in Mechanical Power Engineering

University of Tripoli - Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering



It is concerned with everything related to energy and techniques to understand it, and it includes theories and technologies of heat, heat transfer, internal mechanics, electricity, power stations, combustion, solar energy, wind energy, water desalination, pumping machines, and so on.


Enable students to acquire the background and skills required to conduct high-quality scientific research


1. Apply advanced studies to identify, understand, formulate, and solve high-grade in Mechanical & Industrial engineering problems.

2. Employ advanced knowledge of Mechanical & Industrial engineering to analyze, design and develop systems, components, and/or processes to meet the society needs.

3. Have an advanced technique to design and conduct experiments, and to represent, evaluate, analyze and interpret the available data.

4. Engage in lifelong learning and researching in the field of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering and sustainability, and in the other related disciplines.

 5. Have a base role in local settlement of renewable energy projects.

6. Work with advanced techniques, skills, and modern scientific and engineering software tools for professional practice.

7. Achieve effective communications in written, oral, and visual means

8. Build professional skills and ethical behaviors in their professional life.

9. Emphasize the importance and role of the engineering facilities in cost reduction and increased productivity.

10. Implementing the organizational goals in an efficient and effective manner through maintaining and controlling all the available resources.

11. Rethinking and redesigning the organizations’ technical operations to achieve the desired enhancement results for the up-to-date performance scales for effectiveness and efficiency levels of engineering systems either totally and /or partially.

Certificate Rewarded

Master in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Entry Reuirements

Bachelor's degree in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. To pass the differentiation exam.

Study Plan

The Master in Mechanical Power Engineering prepares students to qualify for Master in Mechanical Power Engineering. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 6 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 33 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 0 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ME662 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 03 Compulsory +

ME661 Advanced Thermodynamics 03 Compulsory +

General concepts; laws of thermodynamics (review). Exergy analysis for closed and open systems; reversible work, irreversibility, exergy. The third law of thermodynamics, Chemical reactions; combustion stoichiometry (review), thermochemistry (review), second law analysis, work production from chemical reactions, fuel cells, reaction equilibrium. Chemical exergy.

ME626 Advanced Numerical Methods 03 General +

Classifications of PDEs; Finite Difference Method; Matrix set up in 1D and Boundary Condition, Formulation for 2D and Matrix Setup, Higher Order Approximations, 2D Axisymmetric. Coordinate transformation to body-fitted coordinates; Advanced methods for solution of system of algebraic equations: Incomplete Decomposition, Strongly Implicit Procedure, Conjugate Gradient Methods. Multigrid Methods (Geometric/Algebraic) Advanced methods for solution of system of algebraic equations: Incomplete Decomposition, Strongly Implicit Procedure, Conjugate Gradient Methods. Multigrid Methods (Geometric/Algebraic); Stability and convergence of iterative methods, Fourier decomposition of errors, Spectral radius of convergence. Preconditioning; Treatment of time-dependent PDEs: Parabolic PDEs, Hyperbolic PDEs. Method of lines

GE604 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 03 General +

Review of ordinary differential equations; linear differential equation of the first order; linear differential equations with constant coefficients; particular solutions by variations of parameters. Power series solutions; method of Frobenius; Legendre's equation; Fourier-Legendre Series; Bessel's equation; modified Bessel equation. Fourier methods; Fourier series; Sturm-Liouville theory; Fourier integral; Fourier transformation. Partial differential equations; heat conduction equation; separation of variables; waves and vibrations in strings; wave equation; D'Alembert's solution; longitudinal vibrations in an elastic rod; two dimensional stress systems; solution of Navier's equations by the application of Fourier transforms; Laplace equation.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ME665 Conductive Heat Transfer 03 Compulsory +

ME672 Convective Heat Transfer 03 Compulsory +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ME670 Boundary Layer Theory 03 Compulsory +

ME675 Radiative Heat Transfer 03 Elective +

ME616 Two Phase Flow 03 Elective +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ME678 Theory of Combustion 03 Elective +

ME687 Advanced Solar Energy Utilization 03 Elective +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ME681 Advanced Gas Dynamics Cycles 03 Elective +

ME698 Graduate Seminar 01 Elective +

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ME699 M.Sc. Thesis 06 Compulsory +

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ME5XX Undergraduate Course 03 Elective +

ME697 Special Topic 03 Elective +

ME679 Theory and Application of Pumps 03 Elective +

ME677 Fluid Flow Turbulence 03 Elective +

ME676 Computational Fluid Dynamics & Heat Transfer 03 Elective +

ME674 Heat Exchangers Analysis and Design 03 Elective +

ME673 Advanced Air Conditioning 03 Elective +

ME666 Energy efficiency and management 03 Elective +

ME659 Analysis & Design of Thermal Systems 03 Elective +

ME627 Advanced Gas Dynamics 03 Elective +