First Meeting of Internal Regulations Reviewing Committee

\On Sunday morning, August 5, at the main meeting hall of the University of Tripoli, the Committee for reviewing  the internal regulations of medical faculties at the university levelو held its meeting under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Al-Uzi, President deputy for the Medical faculties, in the presence of the members of the Committee, formed by the University president decision No. 1155/2018 (1374). The participants discussed the mechanism of holding the meetings of the committee and the planning of its work meetings. The work schedules were also defined and the tasks allocated to the members. The meeting was characterized by introductory atmosphere, especially this meeting is the first for the committee. The committee is assigned with reviewing the internal regulations of medical colleges, which will contribute to solving the difficulties and problems that may face the work of the University and would further develop the system along with improving the tasks assigned to it to serve its students and the public good..
