Pioneering and Innovation Centers Meeting

The President of Tripoli University opened, on Thursday morning, the meeting of the pioneering and innovation centers meeting, at the University Presidency Hall, in the presence of Dr. Mohamed El Aswad, Vice President of the European Program to Support Libya in Integration, Economic Diversification and Sustainable Employment. The meeting was attended by the directors and coordinators of the pioneering and innovation centers in the Libyan universities, a number of the members of the national program for small and medium enterprises and professors from the University of Tripoli, where the statute of the pioneering and innovation centers was discussed along with the procedures manual for the centers.

The President of the University of Tripoli stressed that the University is committed to the agreement signed with the Center. He, also,  confirmed that the university will continue its strong support for the program and its efforts, in cooperation with other Libyan universities, to solve all the difficulties facing the Center, Furthermore, the university will go ahead, , within the context of the its march, towards development and the spread of the culture of pioneering - at the international level .
