Master in Applied Mathematics

University of Tripoli - Department of Mathematics



The academic specifications and standards of the program that clarify what the student must have achieved upon completion of the program are:

  • ·        Completion of 38 credits, including the graduation project


The general objectives of the program in the form of outputs that the graduate is supposed to acquire after successfully completing the educational program are:

  • ·        Preparing scientifically qualified scientific cadres in the field of applied mathematics.
  • ·        Spreading the culture of organized scientific research in solving scientific and applied problems and adopting the principle of mathematical thinking and spreading it widely.
  • ·        Upgrading the level of mathematics graduates and preparing them well to meet the requirements of the labor market
  • ·        Refine and develop students' skills in the field of applied mathematics and intellectual skills


Targeted learning outcomes so that the courses that make up the educational program can be determined through the targeted learning outcomes that it achieves are:


A. Knowledge & (Understand)

The basic information and key concepts that a student must acquire after successfully completing the educational program in the fields of knowledge and understanding are:

1 Recognize the different ways to deal with applied problems and translate them mathematically.

2 Describes natural phenomena in the form of mathematical models.

3 Understand mathematical theories and their applications in other sciences.

B. Mental (skills)

The mental skills that the graduate will write after successfully completing the program are:

1 Ability to propose the appropriate mathematical method to solve the scientific problem related to research

2 Ability to think for the best applications of mathematical problems in other sciences.

C. Practical & Professional (Skills)

The skills that the student must acquire upon successful completion of the educational program, in order to be able to use what he has studied in professional applications are:

1 Ability to conduct scientific research.

2 The ability to use computer software to explain mathematical methods used to solve problems Applied.

D. Generic (and transferable skills)

The general skills or skills employable in the areas of work that the student must acquire upon successful completion of the program, so that they can be applied in any field are:

1 The student will be able to use the means of modern technologies.

2 The student will be able to work in a research team.

3 The student can write scientific reports in a sound scientific language.

4 The student has the ability to solve mathematical problems related to its applications.

Certificate Rewarded

Master of Applied Mathematics

Entry Reuirements

       The entry requirements for studying in the program are as follows::

  • ·    The applicant must have a bachelor's degree or its equivalent in mathematics, and students with a bachelor's degree in other disciplines may be accepted, provided that they pass the remedial courses with a grade of at least good.
  • ·    The applicant must pass the entrance exam in mathematics prepared for this in this regard.
  • ·    To pass the remedial courses required of him with a grade of at least good.

Study Plan

The Master in Applied Mathematics prepares students to qualify for Master in Applied Mathematics. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 38 units, which include 2 units of general subjects, and 27 major units, 12 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MA601 Ordinary Differential Equations 03 Compulsory +

The outcomes that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · The student is introduced to the solutions of differential equations, especially the only solution. · The student will be acquainted with the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the only solution theory of existence and oneness (Picard theory + and Piano theory). · The student connects differential equations with integral equations. · The student learns about stable solutions and how to find them.

MA602 Real Analysis 03 Compulsory +

The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · To familiarize the student with the basic concepts of the real number system, metric spaces, Liebig's measurement, scalar functions and non-standard sets. · The student should acquire the skill of using the Liebig integral of some functions and some concepts of integration and differentiation. · The student should associate some functions with finite fragmentation, absolute communication, convergence, and study the properties of some spaces.

MA603 Complex Analysis 03 Compulsory +

The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are:· Acquire basic concepts in complex analysis that can be used in theory and to solve practical problems in fields such as physics, statistics, and engineering. · Learn about deep concepts of analytic functions· Familiarity with complex integrals - Cauchy's theorem - Cauchy's integral formulas and their functions - and the Taylor and Laurent series· The possibility of determining the analytic function in a large area by knowing the values of its derivatives at a single point or by knowing its values in a small neighborhood and gaining knowledge of the point and regular convergence of sequences and series and what results from that.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MA604 Linear algebra 03 Compulsory +

The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · To familiarize the student with the basic concepts and properties of directional space and linear transformations. · The student's use of matrices in representing transformations and properties of algebra of boundaries. · The student's ability to use laws to find values, eigenvectors, distillations and properties of some algebraic operations.

MA607 Functional analysis 03 Compulsory MA602 +

· Familiarity with the basic concepts, principles and methods of functional analysis and its applications. · Familiarity with sports spaces, their types and characteristics · Knowledge of effects and their applications, especially in the field of physics

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MA608 Partial Differential Equations 03 Compulsory MA601 +

The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · Identify the concept of a partial equation and its properties. · The student knows that the partial equation of the unknown function depends on more than one independent variable. · The student is introduced to mathematical physics problems and their applications. · The student discovers that the solution of a partial equation depends on solving a set of ordinary equations.

MA639 Elective 1 03 Compulsory +

The general objectives of the course are written in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course. The student is familiar with the logical systems of each of the five systems . The student recognizes the postulates used for each format . The student uses creative thinking and problem-solving methods to prove the proofs of the five systems theorems .

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MA609 Numerical analysis 03 Compulsory MA601 +

The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs are: · Identify the numerical methods used in each topic and compare them in the same topic . · Using computers to find solutions to problems and compare the best solutions using different programs. · Acquire advanced mathematical skills in solving numerical problems such as solutions to differential equations and endogenous problems.

MA641 Elective 2 03 Compulsory +

The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · Introducing the student that operations research is one of the modern applied sciences that have made extensive progress in science and civil, economic and industrial activities ... Etc. · The student's knowledge that operations research is an integrated approach to dealing with scientific problems facing the researcher in his work, including the existence of a problem that requires a decision. · Know the method of operations research and the basic steps used to solve problems: identify the problem, build the model, solve the model, test the model and put the solution into practice.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MA654 Elective 3 03 Compulsory +

The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · Consolidate the concepts of the meaning of the types of integral equations more generally. · Identify the applications of integrative equations and link the course to some scientific research.

TW600 Technical Writing 02 General +

The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · The ability to organize research, reports and duties required in the study period. · The ability to write mathematical equations and enter tables and figures and number them. · Preparing a proposal for a mini-research and how to present it to know the writing of the graduation project.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MA699 Thesis 06 Compulsory TW600 +

· This course is useful to develop an appropriate mathematical literacy as well as competency in documentation, analyses and presentation of results. · To develop experience of report-writing, oral presentation and visual presentation.