Department of Statistics

Word Of the Head Department of Statistics

The Department of Statistics at the University of Tripoli is one of the most important departments in the Faculty of Science and the university in general. Statistics derives its importance from the fact that its applications are involved in various areas of life, where documented research depends on the results of sound statistical analysis. From this standpoint, the Department of Statistics looks forward to keeping pace with the renaissance witnessed by the University of Tripoli through modern education based on application, which qualifies the graduate to meet the needs of the labor market. The department offers bachelor's and master's degrees and teaches statistics for bachelor's, master's and doctoral students of all faculties of the University of Tripoli.

We are also proud of our long record of graduating students who have become pioneers and leaders in many scientific and humanitarian fields.  


Excellence locally and regionally through advanced education and competitive scientific research in the field of statistics to be a center for community service.


Providing high-quality educational programs that meet the growing needs of the labor market, in addition to serious scientific research and providing distinguished analytical consultations.


1- Preparing cadres with specialized competencies in the field of statistics that contribute to community development programs.

2- Highlighting the importance of statistics by spreading statistical awareness among learners and its applications in scientific, social and other life.

3- The use of modern technologies in the teaching and learning processes.

4- Holding training courses for workers in community institutions on the statistical systems used in the labor market through a group of specialized professors.

5- Encouraging scientific, theoretical and applied research.

6- Developing participation among students through graduation projects and how to use some ready-made statistical programs.

Organizational Structure for Department of Statistics

Facts about Department of Statistics

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



